Monday, January 31, 2011


I thought about naming this "Goodle," but it looked too stupid.

Anyway, everybody always jokes about how Google could (a) destroy or (b) take over the world in about a second.  But they also have the power to do some pretty great things.

Webpages that are most certainly relevant:

EDIT:  Here's some more up to date news:


  1. It is true that the power of the internet and Google is vast and have changed the world; but we should remember that it is merely a tool that can be used both to do good and bad. Therefore, we should be careful in admiring and accepting everything utilized by the internet just because it's possible. I - growing up without computers, mobile phones, even without fax machines - see more of the bad affects of technology on our lives, even though I use and enjoy it all the time and couldn't live without it today.

  2. Unrelated to your post, Erica says it's your birthday and we should all say hi and HBTY.
    Erica's Dad
