Sunday, January 16, 2011

T -1:00

(A small room in ALONI'S house, Friday, January 14 at 3:30 pm.  Strewn
around the room are various wires, computers, papers, clothes and a piece
of luggage that is in the process of being packed.  A phone rings.)

Hi Erica.
I can't make it to Rikkud because I'm leaving on Sunday.
It ends Sunday morning? I still don't think it's a good idea.
No.  I'm definitely not going to come.  I'll send you a card from Hungary.
Hangs up.  As he continues packing, Aloni looks at his watch repeatedly and begins to pack more quickly.  As he finishes, he picks up the phone.
Erica? Hi. I'm coming.
Laughter erupts from the phone's speaker.
See you soon.

(A montage of dancing with shots of ALONI performing impressive feats of
agility in an effort to avoid collision with nearby, dancers who actually know
what they are doing.)

(After having just said his goodbyes to ERICA and REBECCA, ALONI is
seen driving out of Camp Ramah, singing along to Dispatch playing on the
stereo.  It is 1:00am and very dark on the freeway.  Suddenly a something
appears in the road ahead of ALONI, maybe a dead fox.  After a jarring
bump, ALONI relaxes, only to find  4 foot piece of metal in his way.)

Oh ****.
Bump.  Pop.  ALONI pulls over to the shoulder where 2 others have also popped their front right tires.  They have a lovely time waiting for AAA.

(We find ALONI sitting at a desk in the VIP lounge at LAX.  it is the next day
and ALONI is composing  blog post.  ALONI glances at his watch, then at the
boarding pass, frantically tries to wrap up the post before grabbing his bags and
double-timing to the gate.  Fade to a 747 taxiing on the runway.  As the plane
gains speed, Aloni's face appears out of the window, lamenting the fact that his
stage directions weren't lined up on the left.

Webpages that may or may not be relevant:

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